The Inconvenient Virgin by Lore Ferguson #AdventSeries13

I wake this morning to the sound of rain pounding on our back porch. I lay still and listen. I guess it’s fitting that the weather would be inclement today. It’s probably snowing at home. And I’m sure it’s icing in more places. Inconvenient to the holiday travelers.

This week I think about inconvenience.

Not the stuck in traffic or the grocery store is out of your cereal kind of inconvenience. The dramatic kind, the sort that interrupts your day or your life with news you never expected or always dreaded. The “Mary, virgin, you’re going to have a baby” sort of inconvenience.

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A Very Definite Christmas by Trent Still #AdventSeries13

I’m sure that all of us have experienced using a microscope, whether it was middle school, high school, or college. You lean down onto the eye piece and look through the ocular lense. Without zooming in, you see a blurry picture of perhaps the entire specimen. Once you zoom in, things become more clear, and also your astonishment at God’s creation increases.

I’ve found it helpful to view the account of Christ’s first advent, as found in the Gospel accounts, as if I were looking through a telescope. Broadly, there certainly are beautiful things to see. However, if we narrow our focus, we can see particular aspects of the work of Christ, just as we would be able to see cellular structures under a microscope.

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Somewhere between Loveland & Honeycreek by Evan Welcher #AdventSeries13

My brother abides in the north. It takes an hour and a half to two hours to reach his dwelling: all dependent on construction and the amount of Pearl Jam I listen to. Three particular things I love among a menagerie more: Iowa, driving, and my brother. The drive through these sacred hills and hollows has always struck me as agreeable. 235 horses hitched to three open windows and a bed tagging along as caboose is the only way to fly. Curious, I know, but I am just a boy from Black Hawk County, and if one goes back far enough in my lineage it’s all dust and evictions from paradise, anyway.

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The Word Became Flesh #AdventSeries13

The Word became flesh.

Let it sink in. Let these words pierce you. These are serious words, heavy words. They bear in themselves the weight of the ocean crashing down upon our very souls. And yet, because of the very Word Himself we are able to bear them. We are able to revel in them and when this baffling Truth meets indwelling Spirit we find breath drawn in sharply and tears burning our eyes.

The Word became flesh.

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