July 2013
June 2013
April 2013

Support G4S. Buy from Amazon.
- Jerry Bridges. The Transforming Power of the Gospel. Nav Press. Buy.
- Heath Lambert. Finally Free. Zondervan Academic. Buy.
- Starr Meade. Comforting Hearts, Training Minds. P&R Publishing. Buy.
- Timothy Keller. The Great Enemy. Penguin/Dutton. Buy.
- Stephen Miller Worship Leaders, We are not Rock Stars. Moody Publishers. Buy.
- Andy Farmer. Real Peace. Crossway. Buy.
- Timothy Keller. The Two Advocates. Penguin/Dutton. Buy.
- Bret Lott. Letters & Life. Crossway. Buy.
- Dennis E. Johnson Phillipians (Reformed Expository Commentary). P&R Publishing. Buy.
- Timothy Keller. The Wedding Party. Penguin/Dutton. Buy.
- David Powlison. Seeing with New Eyes. P&R Publishing. Buy.
- Richard J. Goossen & R. Paul Stevens. Entrepreneurial Leadership. IVPress. Buy.
- Kyle Strobel. Formed for the Glory of God. IVPress. Buy.
- Joel Beeke & Paul Smalley. Prepared by Grace, For Grace. Reformation Heritage. Buy.
- Josh Moody. Journey to Joy: The Psalms of Ascent. Crossway. Buy.
- Mike Leake. Torn to Heal. Cruciform Press. Buy.
- Tim Chesters and Jonny Woodrow. The Ascension: Humanity in the Presence of God. West Porterbrook/Christian Focus. Buy.
- Timothy Keller. The First Christian. Penguin/Dutton. Buy.
- Murray Pura. Majestic and Wild. Baker Books. Buy.
- Matthew Jacoby. Deeper Places: Experiencing God in the Psalms. Baker. Buy.
- Caroline Cobb. The Blood + The Breath: Songs that Tell the Story of Redemption. Indie. Buy.
- Anthony Bradley, ed. Aliens in the Promised Land. P&R Publishing. Buy.
- R. C. Sproul The Promises of God. David C. Cook. Buy.
- Gloria Furman. Glimpses of Grace. Crossway. Buy.
- Storms, Sam. Kingdom Come. Christian Focus. Buy.
- Martin, Jonathan. Prototype. Tyndale. Buy.
- Lelek, Jeremy. Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome. P&R Publishing. Buy.
- Hambrick, Brad C. Burnout. P&R Publishing. Buy.
- Buzzard, Justin. The Big Story. Moody Publishers. Buy.
- Ashmore, Margaret. Depression. P&R Publishing. Buy.
- Robert W. Kellemen. Sexual Abuse. P&R Publishing. Buy.
- Mason, Eric. Manhood Restored. B&H Publishing. Buy.
- Woiwode, Larry. Words for Readers and Writers. Crossway. Buy
- Tripp, Paul David. Sex & Money. Crossway. Buy.

- Burroughs, Jeremiah. Contentment, Prosperity, and God’s Glory. Puritan Treasures for Today. Buy.
- White, James. What Every Christian Needs to Know about the Qur’an. Bethany. Buy.
- Storms, Sam. Tough Topics. Crossway. Buy.
- Cosper, Mike. Rhythms of Grace. Crossway. Buy.
- Crotts, John. John Newton (Bitesize Biography). EP Books. Buy.
- Levering, Matthew. The Theology of Augustine. Baker Academic. Buy.
- Um, Stephen T. and Justin Buzzard. Why Cities Matter. Crossway. Buy.
- Keller, Timothy. The Grieving Sisters. Penguin/Dutton. Buy.
- Glenn, R. W. Crucifying Morality. Shepherd Press. Buy.
- Daniel, Ben. The Search for the Truth about Islam. Westminster John Knox. Buy.
- Smuts, P. W. Mark by the Book. P&R Publishing. Buy.
- Smith, Claire. God’s Good Design. Mathias Media. Buy.
- Edgar, William. Schaeffer on the Christian Life. Crossway. Buy.
- Keller, Timothy. Galatians for You. The Good Book Company. Buy.
- Moore, Johnnie. Dirty God. Thomas Nelson. Buy.
- Sibbes, Richard and Aaron Youngren, Illustrator. The Bruised Reed: Illustrated Puritans. St. George Rides the Dragon Press. Buy.
- Loritts, Bryan. A Cross-Shaped Gospel. Moody Publishers. Buy.
- Piper, John. Brothers, We Are Not Professionals. B&H Publishing. Buy.
- Baruch, Maoz. Come, Let Us Reason Together. P&R Publishing. Buy.
- McKinley, Mike. Passion. The Good Book Company. Buy.
- Behan, James and Leo. The Secret Gospel of Ireland. Skywest Publishing. Buy.

- Tada, Ken & Joni Eareckson Tada. Joni & Ken: An Untold Love Story. Zondervan. Buy.
- Oden, Thomas C. John Wesley’s Teachings, Volume 3: Pastoral Theology. Zondervan. Buy.
- Horton, Michael. Pilgrim Theology. Zondervan. Buy.
- Veith Jr., Gene Edward. Reading Between the Lines. Crossway. Buy.
- Carter, Anthony. Blood Work. Reformation Trust. Buy.
- Armstrong, Aaron. Awaiting as Savior. Cruciform Press. Buy.
- Hodges, M. D. Charles D. Good Mood Bad Mood. Shepherd Press. Buy.
- Wallace, J. Warner. Cold-Case Christianity. Zondervan. Buy.
- Carr, Johnny and Laura Faidley. Orphan Justice. B&H Publishing. Buy.
- Carr, Simonetta. Renée of France. EP Publishing. Buy.
- Bateman IV, Herbert W., Darrell L. Bock, & Gordon H. Johnston. Jesus the Messiah. Kregel Academic. Buy.
- Greear, J. D. Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart. B&H Depth. Buy.
- Montgomery, Daniel and Mike Cosper. Faithmaping. Crossway. Buy.
- Moreau, Scott A. Contextualization in World Missions. Kregel Academic. Buy.
- Beeke, Joel. Getting Back in the Race. Cruciform. Buy.
- Keller, Timothy. The Skeptical Student. Penguin/Dutton. Buy.
- Piper, John. Risk is Right. Crossway. Buy.
- Ryken, Leland. Milton’s Paradise Lost. Crossway. Buy.
- Packer, J. I. Puritan Portraits. Christian Focus. Buy.
- Fitzpatrick, Elyse. Comforts from Romans. Crossway. Buy.
- Chapman, Gary. Sacred Search. David C. Cook. Buy.
- Morgan, Christopher and Robert Peterson. The Kingdom of God. Crossway. Buy.
- Driscoll, Mark. Who Do You Think You Are? Thomas Nelson/Re:Lit. Buy.
- Duries, Collin. J. R. R. Tolkien: The Making of a Legend. Lion Hudson. Buy.
- Chan, Francis and Mark Bueving. Multiply. David C. Cook. Buy.
- Keller, Timothy. Every Good Endeavor. Penguin/Dutton. Buy.

Support G4S. Buy from Amazon.
December 2012
Winter of 2011December 2012
- Ware, Bruce A. The Man Christ Jesus. Crossway. Buy.
- Lee, Justin. Torn: Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays-vs.-Christian Debate. Jericho. Buy.
- Tolsma, Neil. This is Love. P&R Publishing. Buy.
- Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.
- Belmonte, Kevin. Miraculous. Thomas Nelson. Buy.
- Corbett, Steve & Brian Fikkert. When Helping Hurts. Moody Publishers. Buy.
- Sproul, R. C. Are We Together? A Protestant Analyzes Roman Catholicism. Reformation Trust. Buy.
- McIlhenny, Ryan. Kingdoms Apart. P&R Publishing. Buy.
- Tchividjian, Tullian. Glorious Ruin. David C. Cook. Buy.
- Campbell, Iain. I AM... EP Books. Buy.
- Shaw Lewis, Gregg and Deborah. The Admiral. Zondervan. Buy.
- Sproul, R. C. Pleasing God. David C. Cook. Buy.
- Davies, John A. A Study Commentary on 1 Kings. EP Books. Buy.
- Mahaney, C. J. Christ Our Mediator. Multnomah. Buy.
- Sider, Ronald. Just Politics. Baker Publishing. Buy.
- Taylor, Marion Ann. Handbook of Women Biblical Interpreters. Baker Academic. Buy.
- Beale, G. K. Handbook on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament. Baker Publishing. Buy.
- Reaoch, Benjamin. Women, Slaves and the Gender Debate. P&R Publishing. Buy.
- Johnston, Mark. Our Creed. P&R Publishing. Buy.
- Dobson, Ed. Seeing Through the Fog. David C. Cook. Buy.
- Klink III, Edward and Darian Lockett. Understanding Biblical Theology. Zondervan. Buy.
- AOI Team. 90 Devotions for Kids (Adventures of Odyssey). Tyndale. Buy.
- Schmidt, Dan, Ed. Letters to Me. Self-published. Buy.
- Dickerson, Matthew. A Hobbit Journey. Baker Publishing. Buy.
- Trueman, Carl. The Creedal Imperative. Crossway. Buy.
- Pennington, Jonathan T. Reading the Gospels Wisely. Baker Publishing. Buy.
- Newson, Carol, Sharon Ringe, and Jacqueline Lapsley, Eds. Women’s Bible Commentary. Westminster / John Knox. Buy.
- Campbell, Constantine R. Paul and Union with Christ. Zondervan. Buy.
- Harris, Murray. Prepositions and Theology in the Greek New Testament. Zondervan. Buy.
- Duvall, Scott J. and Verlyn Verbrugge, Eds. Devotions on the Greek New Testament. Zondervan. Buy.
- Shaw, Ian J. Churches, Revolutions, & Empires. Christian Focus. Buy.
- Callan, Terrance and Duane F. Watson. First and Second Peter. Baker Academic. Buy.
- Thompson, John L., Ed. Genesis 1-11 (Reformation Commentary on Scripture). IVP Academic. Buy.
- Furtick, Steven. Greater. Multnomah.
- Jones, Jeremy V. and Sergio Carriello. The Action Bible Devotional. David C. Cook. Buy.
- Lecrae. Gravity. Reach Records. Buy.
- Booth, Randy and Rich Lusk. Edited by Uri Brito. The Church-Friendly Family. Covenant Media Press. Buy.
- Leithart, Peter. Fyodor Dostoevsky (Christian Encounters Series). Thomas Nelson. Buy.
- Holland, Tom. Romans: The Divine Marriage. Pickwick. Buy.
- Sproul, R. C. The Donkey Who Carried a King. Reformation Trust. Buy.
- Witmer, Timothy. The Shepherd Leader at Home. Crossway. Buy.
- Hyde, Daniel. God in Our Midst. Reformation Trust. Buy.
- Tripp, Paul David. Dangerous Calling. Crossway. Buy.
- Wilson, Jared. Gospel Deeps. Crossway. Buy.
- Larson, Eric. framework: How to Navigate the New Testament. Framework Resources. Buy.
- Billings, J. Todd and I. John Hesselink, Eds. Calvin’s Theology and Its Reception. John Knox/Westminster. Buy.
- Cordeiro, Wayne. Jesus: Pure & Simple. Bethany House. Buy.
- Bell, James Stuart. The Spiritual World of the Hobbit. Bethany House. Buy.
- Pathak, Jay and Dave Runyon. The Art of Neighboring. Baker. Buy.
- Moody, Josh, Ed. Jonathan Edwards and Justification. Crossway. Buy.
- Horton, D. A. G.O.S.P.E.L. Moody. Buy.
- Goodwin, Brady “Phanatik.” The Death of Hip Hop, Marriage, & Morals. Self-published. Buy.
- MacDonald, James. Vertical Church. David C. Cook. Buy.
- Lawrence, Rick. Shrewd. David C. Cook. Buy.
- Stanley, Andy. Deep & Wide. Zondervan. Buy.
- Bock, Darrell L. & Mitch Glaser, Editors. The Gospel According to Isaiah 53. Kregel Academic. Buy.
- Block, Daniel. Deuteronomy (The NIV Application Commentary). Zondervan. Buy.
- Brindle, Timothy. Restoration: The All-Sufficiency of Christ in the Gospel of Grace to Restore Ruined Sinners to Himself for their Joy and His Glory. Lamp Mode Records. Buy.
- Trueman, Carl R. Reformation: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Christian Focus. Buy.
- Groeschel, Craig. Love, Sex, and Happily Ever After. Multnomah. Buy.
- DiMarco, Hayley. The Fruitful Wife. Crossway. Buy.
- Edwards, Jonathan & Kyle Strobel, Ed. Charity and Its Fruits. Crossway. Buy.
- Keller, Timothy. Center Church. Zondervan. Buy.
- Chester, Tim. Everyday Church. Crossway. Buy.
- Thornton, Champ. God’s Love: A Bible Storybook (iPad App). Positive Action for Christ. Buy.
- Wright, N. T. Revelation for Everyone. John Knox/Westminster. Buy.
- Johnson, Maxwell, Ed. Sacraments and Worship. John Knox/Westminster. Buy.
- Dutcher, Greg. Killing Calvinism. Cruciform. Buy.
- Lute, Casey. But God... Cruciform. Buy.
- Bridges, Jerry. Who Am I? Cruciform. Buy.
- Beeke, Joel. Friends and Lover. Cruciform. Buy.
- Phillips, Richard. 1 Samuel (Reformed Expository Commentary). P&R. Buy.
- Beeke, Joel, Ed. Feed My Sheep: A Passionate Plea for Preaching. Reformation Trust. Buy.
- Hyde, Daniel. Welcome to a Reformed Church. Reformation Trust. Buy.
- Kapic, Kelly & Bruce McCormack. Mapping Modern Theology. Baker Academic. Buy.
- Wilson, Douglas. Black & Tan: A Collection of Essays and Excursions on Slavery, Culture War, and Scripture in America. Canon. Buy.
- Cooke, Phil. One Big Thing. Thomas Nelson. Buy.
- Davis Jr., Will. Enough. Revell. Buy.
- Altrogge, Stephen. Create. Self-published. Buy.
- Phillips, Robin. Saints and Scoundrels. Canon. Buy.
- Bird, Michael, Ed. Four Views on the Apostle Paul. Zondervan. Buy.
- Trueman, Carl. Fool Rush In. P&R. Buy.
- Wilson, Douglas. Father Hunger. Thomas Nelson. Buy.
- Carson, D. A. The Intolerance of Tolerance. Wm. B. Eerdmans. Buy.
- Mauss, Doug and Sergio Cariello, Illustrator. The Action Bible New Testament. David C. Cook. Buy.
- Lloyd-Jones, Martyn. Fellowship with God. Crossway. Buy.
- Waugh, Barry, Ed. Letters from the Front. P&R. Buy.
- Merrick, Britt and Allison Trowbridge. Godspeed. David C. Cook. Buy.
- DeYoung, Kevin. The Hole in Our Holiness. Crossway. Buy.
- DeYoung, Kevin & Greg Gilbert. What is the Mission of the Church? Crossway. Buy.
- Gentry, Peter J. and Stephen J. Wellum. Kingdom Through Covenant. Crossway. Buy.
- MacKenzie, Carine. My First Book of Questions and Answers. Christian Focus. Buy.
- Cameron, Julia. John Stott: The Humble Leader. Christian Focus. Buy.
- Stutzman, Paul. Hiking Through. Revell. Buy.
- Merrill, Mark. All Pro Dad. Thomas Nelson. Buy.
- Gignilliat, Mark. A Brief History of Old Testament Criticism. Zondervan. Buy.
- Wilson, Douglas. Wordsmithy. Canon. Buy.
- Bayer, Hans. A Theology of Mark. P&R. Buy.
- Bock, Darrell. A Theology of Luke & Acts. Zondervan. Buy.
- Buzzard, Justin. Date Your Wife. Crossway. Buy.
- Yorkey, Mike. Linspired. Zondervan. Buy.
- Cordeiro, Wayne, et al. Sifted. Zondervan. Buy.
- Kelley, Michael. Wednesdays Were Pretty Normal. B&H. Buy.
- Evans, Tony. Kingdom Man. Tyndale.
- Zaspel, Fred. Warfield on the Christian Life. Crossway. Buy.
- Dodson, Jonathan. Gospel-Centered Discipleship. Crossway. Buy.
- McKnight, Scot. The King Jesus Gospel. Zondervan. Buy.
- Graham, Billy. Nearing Home. Thomas Nelson. Buy.
- Chandler, Matt. The Explicit Gospel. Crossway. Buy.
- Stokes, Mitch. A Shot of Faith: {To the Head}. Thomas Nelson. Buy.
- Holland, Tom. Contours of Pauline Theology. Wypf and Stock. Buy.
- Keller, Tim & Kathy. The Meaning of Marriage. Dutton. Buy.
- Beeke, Joel. Parenting by God's Promises. Reformation Trust. Buy.
- Letham, Robert. The Westminster Assembly. P&R. Buy.
- Reinke, Tony. Lit!: A Christian Guide to Reading. Crossway. Buy.
- Forster, Gregory. The Joy of Calvinism. Crossway. Buy.
- Haykin, Michael & Victoria. The Christian Lover. Reformation Trust. Buy.
- Cruver, Dan, Ed. Reclaiming Adoption. Cruciform Press. Buy.
- Poythress, Vern. Redeeming Science. Crossway. Buy.
- Thomas, Gary. Every Body Matters. Zondervan. Buy.
- Henderson, Jim. the resignation of eve. Tyndale.
- Moore, Russell. Adopted for Life. Crossway. Buy.
- Packer, J. I. Knowing God. IVPress. Buy.
- Chester, Tim. A Meal with Jesus. Crossway. Buy.
- Wilson, N. D. Notes from the Tilt-a-whirl. Thomas Nelson. Buy.
- Piper, John. Bloodlines Part 1, 2, & 3. Crossway. Buy.
- Chapell, Bryan. Christ-Centered Preaching. Baker Academic. Buy.
- Lloyd-Jones, Sally. Song of the Stars. Zonderkidz. Buy.
- Wilson, Jared. Gospel Wakefulness. Crossway. Buy.
- Van Til, Henry. The Calvinistic Concept of Culture Part 1 & 2. Baker Academic. Buy.
- Fitzpatrick, Elyse and Jessica Thompson. Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus. Crossway. Buy.
- Piper, John and Wayne Grudem, Eds. Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. Crossway. Buy.
- Driscoll, Mark. Confessions of a Reformission Rev. Zondervan. Buy.
- Olson, Roger. Arminian Theology: Myths & Realities. IVP Academic. Buy.
- Mahaney, C. J. Living the Cross-Centered Life. Multnomah. Buy.
- Wright, N. T. Evil and the Justice of God. IVPress. Buy.
- Goheen, Michael W. A Light to the Nations: The Missional Church and the Biblical Story. Baker Academic. Buy.
- Wilkerson, Mike. Redemption. Crossway. Buy.
- Phillips, Dan. The World-tilting Gospel Part 1, 2, & 3. Kregel. Buy.
- Thorn, Joe. Note to Self. Crossway. Buy.
- Matthew Lee Anderson. Earthen Vessels. Bethany House. Buy.
- Hitchens, Christopher. God is not Great Part 1, 2, & 3. Twelve Books. Buy.
- Hill, Wesley. Washed and Waiting: Reflections on Christian Faithfulness and Homosexuality. Zondervan. Buy.
- Patrick, Darrin. Church Planter. Crossway. Buy.
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